Abraham’s Covenant, Jesus’s Sacrifice
Here are some thoughts I came to while studying the Bible. Let me know your thoughts on this subject too.
I have an interesting theory. I believe that Abraham made a covenant with a God that involved killing, cutting flesh, blood, and even night terror spirits (bugbears) getting access to him. I believe he established this agreement and it always had to be an oath that was kept in blood and by the shedding of blood, especially innocent blood. We see [probably] this same God consistently demanding blood sacrifice and dealing with dark spirits like on the passover where the innocent lambs were sacrificed in place of the Israelite children and also all firstborn children of the Egyptians and even the animals’ firstborn were taken in the night by a spirit.
It seems to me now that it’s entirely possible that the God of Abraham is not the same God as the Father of Christ.
I believe its possible that Jesus fulfilled that covenant with the old God that required blood and death so that we could fall under covenant with the new God, the Father, the one who is purely love, just as Christ was. There are universal laws and agreements that get put into place and they have to be fulfilled or there will be a sort of “breach of contract” involving a steep fine, so Jesus was the fulfillment of the contract so that we could come out of that covenant into a covenant of love.
What do you think?
This discussion was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
This discussion was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by
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