Film Details
Who are The Nephilim and Fallen Angels mentioned in the Book of Enoch and all through the Bible?
Demonic possession is a reality and there are levels to the experience depending on the entities associated with or assigned to the person. Ask yourself… Do beings from another dimension have the ability to influence the lives of people on earth? Are demons and other disembodied spirits real? What happens when people try and contact demonic spirits to gain spiritual insight? Is it possible to outsmart these ancient entities? In this documentary explore the world of Demons, Exorcisms, Nephilim, unclean spirits and their origins.
- Spiritual Warfare
- 2021
- 30:23 mins
- 1.089.853 x View
- Director : Seer School
- Presenters: TruthSeekah & Gothic Mystic
- Narrator: Ernest Metts
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