Should I Join a Secret Society to Learn the Mysteries of God?

Should I Join a Secret Society or Esoteric Order?

“What is done in secret will be brought to the light.”

Many of us feel a deep, intuitive sense of certain truths, even if we can’t always find direct evidence or a biblical context for them. But once we step outside traditional molds, we begin to discover that these inner knowings often align with the Bible and other ancient scriptures. There are ancient truths that were once openly cherished by many but were thrust into secrecy to protect them from the “profane”—those who might misuse this knowledge for selfish gain or harm.

As the ages pass, what was once hidden is being revealed. This is a central tenet of Christian teachings. The Creator, through Christ, is making known the things that were once secret to those who actively seek truth. Jesus, after all, was fully initiated into the mysteries. Raised within the teachings of Torah, He encountered the religious leaders of His time—Pharisees—who used divine knowledge to control and oppress. Their secrets and sins were exposed, yet what was spiritually valuable in their teachings remains preserved in the spirit of Christ.

The beauty of this is that you don’t need to join a specific religious order, like Judaism, Buddhism, Freemasonry, or any esoteric society, to learn their sacred secrets. Christ revealed them within the Spirit. The Bible speaks of an inner anointing that teaches us all things, and this divine wisdom is available to everyone who seeks it (1 John 2:27). It’s not about following a particular path but understanding that all paths lead back to the truth, which is freely available to you through the Holy Spirit.

Secrets Revealed to the Seekers

In a conversation with a 32nd-degree Freemason, he told me I’d love the York Rite path of Freemasonry. Yet, he also acknowledged that I already understood more about their esoteric secrets than many who were initiated. This speaks to the fact that the divine can reveal deep spiritual concepts to you through dreams, movies, music, art, and nature. God’s wisdom is not confined to the rituals of an order but is available to those who open their hearts and seek.

It is a king’s honor to search out a matter (Proverbs 25:2). But the mysteries we speak are not worldly wisdom. They are the hidden wisdom of God, ordained before time, to our glory (1 Corinthians 2:8). The powers of this world cannot grasp it, and had they known, they would not have crucified Christ. God does not share His secrets lightly. These truths, when revealed to an unprepared heart, can lead to destruction—both for the individual and others.

The Profane and the Sacred

The concept of the “profane” comes up frequently in religious and esoteric teachings. Many ancient institutions, from Freemasonry to religious organizations, have classified people into categories: those deemed worthy to receive hidden knowledge and those considered outsiders. These divisions are often arbitrary and based on lineage, race, or social standing.

Take the presidency of George W. Bush as an example. Many questioned his qualifications, but his rise to power seemed predetermined by his family lineage rather than merit. This highlights a greater truth: the world is often run by those born into power, not those chosen for their character or ability. Yet, the beauty of God’s Kingdom is that it does not operate according to physical bloodlines but spiritual ones. God judges the heart, not the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7).

Initiation into Divine Knowledge

The hidden knowledge many seek is already within you, placed there by God. You don’t need to join a secret society to access it. Peter learned this lesson in Acts 10 when he encountered Cornelius, a Gentile who, by Jewish standards, was considered unclean and profane. Yet, God revealed to Peter that Cornelius was not only worthy of grace but also of the mysteries of God. This shows that spiritual knowledge is not confined to any one group or society.

The Pharisees tried to discredit Jesus by accusing Him of working through Beelzebub, but they could not deny the divine authority He carried. His knowledge of angels and the mysteries of God didn’t come from books or initiation ceremonies—it came from an intimate relationship with the divine. Similarly, many of us experience this divine initiation in our own lives. We may not have the titles or the formal training, but the Spirit of God reveals His truths to us.

Earth as a School of Mysteries

In reality, Earth itself is a grand secret society—a school where we are all students, learning the deeper lessons of love, forgiveness, and light. Each person is on their unique spiritual journey, developing in their understanding of spiritual, physical, and emotional discipline. We are constantly being tested to see if we can govern righteously, love purely, and judge fairly. This testing refines us for the eternal rewards that await, such as entry into the higher realms of the Heavenly Kingdom.

The ultimate teacher in this school is the Holy Spirit. Every moment, thought, and action is a test, revealing whether we truly believe what we profess. Higher spiritual enlightenment is given to those who are prepared to carry the weight of such glory. This wisdom cannot be gleaned from books alone but must be revealed by God. Trying to grasp spiritual knowledge before you are ready can lead to anxiety, depression, or worse.

Endure the Test for the Reward

God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Each test we face on this Earth leads us from one level of glory to the next, conforming us more into His image. This spiritual journey is not about acquiring head knowledge but heart knowledge—gnosis, an intimate knowing of God’s mysteries. It’s not about belonging to an elite group or secret society but being led by the Spirit in a life of divine revelation.

So, should you join a secret society or esoteric order? The choice is yours. But know that all the wisdom you seek is already within you, waiting to be revealed as you walk closely with God.


How do I seek truth?

What are celestial mysteries?


  1. I once spoke in person with an initiate, they told me that being a true initiate was not about knowledge, or being part of a society, but about how one lives, how one conducts one’s self.