• Spiritual Links

    Posted by daryl_lv426 on December 5, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    <div>I’m just gonna drop stuff here if I think seekers will find it beneficial. Also awesome if discussion grows from any of it.</div>

    I’ll frame the links I share. So, I practice Transcendental meditation, albeit sporadically, but I am trained by licensed instructors and I do experience transcendence. Really right now I’m all about cementing the habit of practice, so important.

    This video is really interesting. A Swedenborgian neurologist discusses how Swedenborg was the first scientist in the west to equate breathwork with the divine. She also practices Transcendental meditation herself.

    The really interesting thing she said for me, is that she imagined that the innocence and wonder of the very first soul to ever exist, might be something akin to how one feels during transcendence.

    If I had to describe this, it is when through cycles of the practice, one’s mind and body have come to a state of rest so complete, when breathing is imperceptible, in fact one’s body will jerk occasionally as one forgets to breathe.

    It is a state when one is free of thought, mantra, and any physical awareness, and one is witness to a limitless expanse, without needing eyes to see.

    I do not know the passage, but I paraphrase when I recount that one must be as a child to enter the kingdom of heaven. And so it is, in this innocent state, one is as close to an untroubled soul as one can be in this fourth state of consciousness, at any rate.

    Although I do subscribe to non-dualism, as I subscribe to the notion of a universal spirit, and God being in all things, creations and Universes, my seeking has brought me to a desire to flesh out the geography of heaven, or rather, to make the walls of the classroom grow thin, so that the grounds may be revealed.

    I also subscribe to the notion of the soul experiencing different dimensions and aspects simultaneously yet not in unison, as that would render our journey, path and evolution pointless.

    One of my earliest understandings from the neurologist Dr. Tony Nader, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s chosen successor as leader of the Transcendental meditation movement, was the concept of basic consciousness being a subject object interaction, for example the unknowable infinite intelligence being conscious of a random quantum fluctuation as the very first conscious perception.

    I am an ignorant man, I have much reading to do, but from the above, one might suppose that from the earliest consciousness, the Godhead then causal planes evolved across eons, particle by particle, this is unknowable, just a working concept.

    For me it is joyous to be a soul who can wonder at such things. But, I am learning that faith alone is a serious issue, which the neurologist also discusses in the video.

    There are some faiths, one of whom I have studied with, who believe that obeisance to faith is enough.

    For me, faith alone is not enough, as the path is also one of action, good works, and deferring with a glad heart to love, in our choices.

    I do admit that I have only very recently emerged from a very great darkness, the dark night of the soul, the suffering of which was grace, having nowhere to look but at myself, which makes one humble.

    I am not virtuous, but I strive to be, and to make better choices. I still have my demons, but I try to keep them locked out of my energetic pantry.

    So to the video, which gave me the takeaways of the innocence of the first soul as a concept in the context of meditation, and the problems inherent in operating on faith alone.

    Do not misunderstand me, faith is always the starting point and the truth, but one must live it, too.

    Peace and Love, Y’all.



    daryl_lv426 replied 2 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • daryl_lv426

    December 5, 2024 at 7:12 pm

    <div>Oooh this here is a doozie, I’m whipping through these Swedenborg lectures.</div>

    It gets to the platform and nature of consciousness both cosmically and at the human level around 40 minutes in.

    So, Dr. George Dole refutes Penrose’s theory that microtubes polarised around brain neurons constitutes a quantum based computer producing consciousness. He then cites Eccles’ theory that ideas do not have mass, and that neural activity is caused by thought, not the other way around. It is the direction of causation which is the issue. Eccles also suggests that the quantum computer we call the brain, receives the spiritual at a sub quantum level then integrates it into the neurons.

    On a personal note, I happen to know that the electromagnetic frequency of earth itself resonates at the Schumann resonance of 7.83hz, which is matched by the brain during Transcendental Meditation. For me, this indicates the baseline of consciousness entry point, with the usual closed off thought energy or Shakti, causing all the ruckus through regular thought, settle down boys!

    I mean look, I’m new to what is called the Kingdom, right now my perception of it runs to deep joy, love and intuition, in time, well who knows? However, I came to faith as a skeptic, and I do feel it’s always good to have validation, without necessarily being a doubter.

    Anyway, Dole’s talk below, followed by Schumann Resonance Data:



  • daryl_lv426

    December 16, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    <div>Even though I studied with the Witnesses for two years, I never understood this one thing. I sat and debated this one point with a devout Christian for hours, and I still didn’t get it.</div>

    “Jesus died for our sins”

    “Jesus freed the world from sin”

    Very obviously, the Word is open to interpretation. I often wonder about the modern version, and how certain things are framed.

    The following video, it’s just cobbled together from a few things Jim Carrey said in public.

    For me, a celebrities’ use of their public profile is not usually a cause for praise.

    I view the vast majority of media figures as tools of the “glamour” which hijacks our attention.


    Anyway my point: Jim uses his public profile to bring true wisdom to many. Thank you Jim!

    Jim has succeeded in helping me to understand Christ’s forgiveness and compassion even in the face of the terrible cruelty of his oppressors, and the suffering they inflicted upon him.

    Jesus saved the world from sin from HIS perspective. “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.”

    For me, this does NOT absolve the world of sin, but it DOES set the most tragic, bloody and visceral example of forgiveness in Jesus’ teachings. It also teaches us to follow Jesus’ example. I’d like to think this was his noble intention.

    Evil cannot resist or countenance compassion. Each of us is saved from our pattern of sin if we follow Jesus’ example of forgiveness, beginning with ourselves, and then others.

    Jim says:

    “It’s up to each one of us to free the world from sin, from our perspective, and that is what opens up the gates of heaven.”

    Speaking for myself, from the moment I developed the ability to turn away from resentment, and embrace compassion, that was when paranoia, entitlement and victimhood began to disappear.

    Over to Jim:


  • daryl_lv426

    December 16, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    So, not exactly a spiritual link, but definitely the work of a spiritual man, the beloved Mr. Fred Rogers.

    My comment on the below YT video: Carnegie, Rockefeller and Bloom were instrumental in accomplishing the exact opposite of what Mr. Rogers accomplished in his work. Theirs was a compulsion based schooling system specifically planned to make children feel small, insignificant and to seek approval, not thinking for themselves. I think Mr. Rogers may have known that on some level, what he and young minds were up against. We may not see his like again. RIP Fred, and God Bless You.


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