What if the authority that Jesus had to speak to the elements and have them “obey” was not out of some type or superiority complex or arrogance? What if it was the fact that Jesus had a relationship with the beings behind the elements that humanity let go of long ago? Could it be that Jesus didn’t command the storms to be still and simply asked?


Chris Carter has been seeing the supernatural manifested in his life by work with his angels and experiencing them appear in elemental form!


  • Learn how to work with the elementals and angels instead of working against.
  • Rekindle the relationship that the ancient prophets and ancestors had with these intelligent forces.
  • Ask Chris questions during our private Q & A.

Chris Carter will share personal stories about his encounters with the elementals.


This webinar will not be one to miss! Experience breakthrough as the supernatural reality of nature becomes more present in your life!


There’s a promise in the very beginning of the Bible. It’s a world where mankind and nature work together in perfect harmony. It seems like a distant memory that only makes its way into our lives in books or movies. Yet, this first job that mankind was given is also the next commission God is giving to the earth. It’s written in the book of Romans that our job is to “free the creation.” But, to free it, we need to know it. Relationship is the key, just as it is with the angelic world. And, as we get to know creation in a new, living, and personal way, we will step into the calling for which we were made.

Chris Carter





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